by Adam J. Glazer | Mar 8, 2019 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
After finishing various levels of schooling, training and employment, and upon reaching a certain age, encountering a heretofore unknown activity provokes surprising interest. When that activity is designated with an equally novel term, the curiosity only heightens....
by Adam J. Glazer | Feb 6, 2019 | Adam J. Glazer, Sales Rep Articles
…An exploitative principal angling to replace its longtime independent rep and withhold the commissions due could find a means to escape the statute’s reach by stopping just short of affecting a full termination.Regular readers of this column probably recall that most...
by Adam J. Glazer | Dec 19, 2018 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
For reasons I don’t understand, this year’s holiday party has been entrusted to me. Wait, on second thought, I do understand. I’m in charge of the holiday party by default. No one else wanted to do it. And the party’s decision-making has been rife with conflict....
by Adam J. Glazer | Oct 19, 2018 | Adam J. Glazer, Sales Rep Articles
… When a principal terminates a contract not for any legitimate or neutral reason, but to shed the rep before a sale closes and commissions become due, raising a bad faith claim, which may make additional damages available, should at least be explored. The commercial...
by Adam J. Glazer | Sep 28, 2018 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
Frustrations abound in life and law. The train is either agonizingly delayed, at the expense of my monthly meeting — obsessively gaveled to order on time — or leaves with infuriating promptness when I am held up, forcing me to acknowledge I can no longer cover the...
by Adam J. Glazer | Jun 7, 2018 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
Legal gambling on pro and college sports outside Nevada hit the jackpot on May 14 when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act passed by Congress in 1992. That act, preventing states from authorizing sports betting, was...