Sales Rep Articles

What Happens in California Doesn’t Necessarily Stay in California

California has recently enacted a number of new laws that can affect businesses throughout the country, including manufacturers and sales representatives. This multi-part article focuses on two of them: California Assembly Bill 5 (“AB5”), which provides a test to determine if a worker/service provider is an independent contractor or employee, and “Proposition 65,” which addresses environmental and health-related concerns about products sold in California.

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Empowered sales rep protects his contract rights; delivers strong jolt to breaching principal

William Valle’s commission lawsuit against Powertech Industrial Co. Ltd. offers a little bit of everything.

Two versions of a contract, changing commission rates, enforceability questions, and the duty of good faith and fair dealing are all raised in this dispute. (So too is the perennial employee v. independent contractor battle, but that part of their contest will be saved for another day.)

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