Question: I loaned a sizeable sum to my daughter to enable her to purchase a residence. While I expect to be repaid, there is no specific time for repayment and no interest will be paid on the loan. What are the tax consequences of this arrangement?
Tax Corner
Qualified business income tax deduction for an employee/contractor
Question: I am a salaried employee and I also receive self-employment income from a side business unrelated to my salaried employment. Am I entitled to a qualified business income tax deduction for my earnings?
Protecting LLC Assets from Creditors
Question: I own an interest in a limited liability company with others through which we operate a professional service business. Our company holds a significant amount of assets largely consisting of equipment, accounts receivable and cash. How can we protect the company assets from creditors in a tax-effective manner?
Tax and Other Considerations of Life Insurance Policy Sales
Question: I own a policy of insurance on my life that I am selling to a third party at a profit. What tax consequences and other concerns do I have?
Reaping Tax Benefits from Qualified Opportunity Zone Investments
Question: I personally realized a large capital gain from the sale of my stock. Can I avoid or defer the gain by reinvesting some or all of the sale proceeds in a qualified opportunity zone investment?
Insurance Trust Ownership of Life Insurance Policies with Long-Term Care Riders
Question: I am buying an insurance policy on my life that contains a long-term care insurance rider. Can I transfer the policy to an irrevocable insurance trust and still benefit from the long-term care feature?
Deducting interest on LLC debt refinancing
Question: I received a distribution from a limited liability company in which I am an owner representing proceeds from the refinancing of a commercial loan on company property. Can I deduct my share of the interest on this debt?
Paying Plan Benefits to Children, Not Surviving Spouse
Question: I am planning to remarry and want my 401(k) plan benefits paid to my children upon my death, not to my future spouse. Do I need a prenuptial agreement to accomplish this?
Overcoming Nondeductibility of Entertainment Expenses
Question: Is there any way to deduct business entertainment expenses after the most recent tax legislation?
Answer: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 fully eliminated deductions for entertainment expenses incurred by taxpayers, effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.
Tax Aspects of Purchasing LLC Interest
Question: I am contemplating purchasing an interest in a limited liability company as an investment. What tax consequences if any I should be concerned with?