by Adam J. Glazer | Jul 29, 2015 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
Few bills arriving in the mail are welcome, but certain billers are more daunting than others. Should the tuckpointer send a bill higher than agreed, a friendly discussion about his “extras” likely lies ahead. If the delivery kid shows up with the pizzas but asks for...
by Adam J. Glazer | May 28, 2015 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
While not quite reaching the death and taxes level of certainty, some issues brought to the appellate court still produce highly predictable outcomes. Challenges to foundations laid by expert witnesses are usually addressed adequately through cross-examination....
by Adam J. Glazer | Apr 14, 2015 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
Some appellate cases present novel issues or test established doctrines. Others reach the appellate court on thornyprocedural or technical questions. And then there’s Marshel Copple, whose peculiar case helps explain why appellate courts often issue unpublished...
by Adam J. Glazer | Apr 13, 2015 | Adam J. Glazer, Sales Rep Articles
A written rep contract is circulated, unsigned and quickly forgotten. Meanwhile, the parties perform for about eight years. When a dispute then arises, does the contract control? Both the principal and its reps long ignore certain key contract terms like sales...
by Adam J. Glazer | Mar 4, 2015 | Adam J. Glazer, Insights
During spring training last year, this column detailed a class-action suit filed by three ex-minor leaguers alleging Major League Baseball paid them less than fast-food workers.Unrepresented by a labor union, minor leaguers toil 50 to 70 hours per week through a...