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Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Reporting Requirement Stayed

Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Reporting Requirement Stayed

Yesterday, we reported that the motions panel of the Federal Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit decided, pending appeal, that reporting companies are required to file their beneficial ownership information with FinCEN no later than January 13, 2025. However, late yesterday, the merits panel of the same Court ordered a portion of the motions panel decision to be vacated, effectively reinstating the District Court’s December 3, 2024 preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its Reporting Rule.

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Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements Now in Effect, with Deadline Extensions

Updates to Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines – Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements Now in Effect, with Deadline Extensions

Earlier this month, we reported that the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its Reporting Rule. This week the Federal Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit decided that reporting companies are required to file their beneficial ownership information with FinCEN.

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Probate, explained

Probate, explained

When a loved one dies it can be difficult to know how to access their assets, manage their mortgage and other debts, and wind up their affairs. With limited exceptions, the only way to access assets owned by a person in their individual name is through probate, even if they have a valid will.

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Locking Up a Sales Rep in Perpetuity? A Presumptively Bad Idea

Locking Up a Sales Rep in Perpetuity? A Presumptively Bad Idea

Many otherwise sound rep contracts are subject to termination for any reason or for no reason. Even if the parties agree to an initial contract term of three or more years to give the relationship time to develop and to enable the rep to create demand for the manufacturer’s products, most reps understand that if their three-year agreement allows termination on 30 days’ notice, they don’t really have a three-year contract. Instead, they’re working on a 30-day contract.

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