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SBA Programs Update

Earlier this week, we shared that the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) will begin accepting Paycheck Protection Program loan applications starting tomorrow, April 3…

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Key Aspects of Business Interruption Insurance

Insurance Coverage Considerations in the Age of COVID-19

By now, it is beyond cliché to note that we are in uncharted waters. For our business owners and managers alike, we wanted to offer some guidance for insurance-related issues as you consider whether to pursue coverage for COVID-19 related claims.

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The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) has been signed into law.  A significant part of this legislation provides financial assistance to small businesses by means of the “Paycheck Protection Program.”  

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Estate Planning in a Time of COVID-19

In the past week, as concern about the novel coronavirus pandemic has gripped the country, a number of our clients have reached out to SFBBG to update or prepare estate planning documents for them.

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