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FTC Adopts Final Rule Banning Employment Non-Compete Agreements
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) adopted its long-awaited final “Non-Compete Rule,” (the “final rule”) imposing a comprehensive ban on the use of new non-compete agreements with all workers, including senior executives.
Loss Deductions on Gifted Property
Question: I am contemplating giving to my daughter stock which has decreased in value below my purchase price. Is my daughter entitled to a tax loss if she sells the property?
Q1-2024 Employment Spotlight
The U.S. Department of Labor’s new rule, effective March 11, 2024, aims to clarify worker classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act. It defines “independent contractor” based on economic dependence, utilizing a “six plus one” factor test. These factors slightly favor an employment relationship.
Federal Court in Alabama Rules the Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional
One of the newly enacted laws SFBBG has been following closely is the Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA”), a federal statute that impacts the overwhelming majority of our clients. A discussion of the CTA can be found in our November newsletter.
Avoiding 5 percent owner status for retirement plan distribution purposes
Many individuals continue to work into their retirement years, whether due to financial need, personal desire or some other motivation. A meaningful portion of these workers are high-wage earners who pay tax at the maximum or near maximum income tax rates and do not wish to withdraw funds from their retirement accounts which in most cases are fully taxed at ordinary income tax rates.
Judge adds exemplary damages to verdict delivered by the “Windfall Gals”
The Fall edition of this Legally Speaking column reported on the verdict delivered in the summer of 2023 in favor of an ERA rep given the pseudonym Rigorous Electronics Performers, LLC or REP. A suburban Philadelphia jury found that Manipulating Financial Results, Inc. or MFR (also a pseudonym) owed REP over $600,000 in unpaid commissions.
Our New Legal World — Contactless Delivery of a Lawsuit / “Battle of the Forms” — A Primer (Winter 2024)
Contributors: Andrew Johnson, Caleb Haydon
IRA Distribution Issues for Non-Designated Beneficiaries
Question: My widowed father recently died and failed to designate myself nor any of my siblings as beneficiaries of his IRA. Is there an opportunity to have these funds paid out over a prolonged period of time and avoid the five-year payout period?
Tax Free Income from Short-Term Rentals
Question: I have a lake house which I occasionally rent to my corporation for business use. Am I still allowed to both exclude from tax the rental income I receive and have the corporation deduct the rent paid?
Illinois and Chicago Overhaul Paid Leave Laws in 2024
In 2024, the employment landscape in Illinois, particularly in Chicago, will undergo a significant transformation with the implementation of two pivotal laws governing paid leave for workers. The Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act (the “Act”) introduces a comprehensive state-wide standard for paid leave, ensuring a minimum of forty hours annually of paid leave—which can be used for any reason—for all employees.