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Another Strike Against Non-Competes / Balancing the BOTS: How to Harness the Power of AI without Falling Down the Rabbit Hole (Summer 2023)
Contributors: Norm Finkel, Robert Goldberg, Kelly Cronin
Balancing the BOTS: How to Harness the Power of AI without Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
What is ChatGPT and How Will It Affect My Business?
Business owners should be aware of the benefits and legal pitfalls that lurk under the world of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”).
Another Strike Against Non-Competes
We recently shared with you the details of a trade regulation rule proposed by the Federal Trade Commission banning non-compete agreements.
Bargain Sales to Charity
Question: I intend to sell to a charity a vacant lot that I have owned and held as an investment for many years for less than the current value. Can I take a charitable contribution deduction for the difference?
Reaping retirement plan benefits from the most tax-friendly retirement plan
Suppose you were asked to design the most taxpayer-friendly retirement plan possible. If given a choice, you would want a plan that allows for generous annual contributions. The contributions would be tax-deductible, regardless of whether or not you itemize deductions and regardless of your earnings or taxable income.
Sometimes proving the willful withholding of commissions is “f*#!ing easy”
California’s sales rep protection statute, among the nation’s strongest, mandates an award of treble damages to a rep who does not receive commissions as provided in the contract.
Navigating the Holy Hurdles of Fresh Religious Accommodation Guidelines
On June 29, the Supreme Court clarified the circumstances under which requests for religious accommodations must be granted by employers who are subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”).
Comparing Tax Consequences of Mutual Funds and EFTs
Question: I own a number of mutual funds. Should I be switching my investment assets to ETFs for income tax savings?
One of the Strongest Rep Decisions — Ever
“They will be surprised to learn that, under the default rule the Court adopts today, an at-will salesperson is entitled to commissions for any sale – here, perhaps hundreds of thousands of sales – a jury determines the salesperson ‘set in motion.’ And they will be stunned to learn that, under the default rule, the entitlement to commissions may extend years after their employment relationship ended.”
Avoiding 5% Owner Status for Retirement Plan Distribution Purposes
Question: I am one of three equal owners of a corporation where I continue to work. I just turned age 70 and am wondering if I can defer the start of required minimum distributions from our company 401(k) plan until I retire?