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General Criticisms and Statements Impugning a Plaintiff’s Personal Traits Do Not Support Claims for Defamation Per Se

Recent cases suggest an uptick in defamation lawsuits seeking damages for statements containing general criticisms of the plaintiff or highlighting certain negative personal traits. The theory is that such statements qualify as defamation per se for they impugn the ability or integrity of the plaintiffs in their occupation or professions. Almost invariably, these lawsuits get dismissed through motion practice.
The day of the deposition arrives and as your witness is testifying, you notice the red blinking light in the upper left corner of the screen designating that the deposition is being recorded.

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Establishing Disability Insurance Program for Employees

Question: I own and operate a small business and am trying to determine how best to establish an insured disability insurance program for the company employees. If an employee becomes disabled and receives benefits from the insurance company, will the employee be taxed on the benefits received?

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Tax Savings on Business Contract Sales

Question:        My wife and I hold contracts to provide property management services to real estate owners.  Are we entitled to capital gain treatment if we sell these contracts or do we need to form a limited liability company to do so?

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